Monday 13 February 2012

How will display advertising initiate a swap from traditional TV advertising budgets.

We used to talk about the competitive advantage of internet over traditional advertising and that one major benefit of online advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. Over time the value of geotargeting a dayparting has been recognised but there is still a lot to be done to move traditional brand advertising budgets over to the Internet from channels such as TV. tHis can't be achieved by better targeting or new algos - in their current form AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Google AdSense enable ads are not going to compete with the likes of the 2012 Levi's superbowl campaign.

The question now is - can Internet display ads raise to the challenge?

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Douglas Adams on advertising and the media - and how the online world will develop over the coming decade.

2012 is just beginning and I'd like to big forth some predictions about how current trends are going to shape the world online. A few years ago Douglas Adams published an essay "What have we got to lose" where he identified that Television companies are not in the business of delivering television programs to their audience, they're in the business of delivering audiences to their advertisers. He goes on to say that "magazines are very similar".
Eventually investors are going to make this more and more plain that in a commercial world, the same applies to web sites and social networks - and despite any early posturing and posing, companies like Google and Facebook eventually convert from investor supported projects to their core business - just the same as Douglas Adams identified for TV - delivering audiences to their advertisers. And - as the great man says - explaining the inevitability of this (to owners of content sites and social networks in this decade) is - " like trying to explain to the Amazon River, the Mississippi, the Congo and the Nile how the coming of the Atlantic Ocean will affect them. The first thing to understand is that river rules will no longer apply" - and they will learn to be currents in the ocean of online advertising  . . .